Having experienced a previous missed miscarriage at the end of 2015, I got pregnant early this year and as you can see from the blog title – I am currently 25 weeks pregnant! Yippee 🙂
It was upsetting to find out that my previous pregnancy didn’t progress as well as I thought it would be, and only realise actually how common miscarriage is. My family and friends have given me much support and Aiden and I have decided to try again as soon as I feel ready. We are lucky to have conceived so quickly and have decided not to announce the pregnancy to anybody too early (unlike last time).
The only reason I found out I was pregnant again was my colleague telling me I looked awful as in I looked very tired and that one Friday I just felt like I was going to faint, so I thought it was a good idea to take a pregnancy test the next day. Yes, and guess what… It was POSITIVES! 😛 Calculating from my last mensural cycle, I should have only been 4 weeks pregnant so I was surprised those early pregnancy symptoms occurred so early. This time around for the first 12-14 weeks I have experienced morning sickness, mood swings, fatigue/exhaustion and dizziness etc, basically the standard early pregnancy symptoms which I didn’t have any of those last time. Fair to say, it’s a good thing that I feel crap all the time!
The first scan went great, we saw the little one moving and the heart beating, but I was so nervous! It was such a relief when everything was fine. After the scan, I then had my blood taken for the Down’s syndrome tests. Results were posted to our home around two weeks later. I continued to experience the early pregnancy symptoms up to around 14 weeks, afterwards, I am starting to enjoy pregnancy. I wasn’t as tired and the nauseousness went. However, headaches started! But it was bearable and I didn’t have to take any pain relief, even if it was bad, I wouldn’t have taken any.
I started to feel fetal movement around 15-16 weeks, it wasn’t regular at first. I had to relax and concentrate to feel little flutters when I sat down. Fetal movements then became more regular and stronger by the week and I must say it is the most amazing feeling. To me, it is like a reassurance that baby is inside me and is healthy. We found out from the second scan we are expecting a little girl. Aiden was able to view the whole scan better than I could due to the position of the bed. She was moving a lot during the scan and checks were carried out to ensure the baby’s growth is well, the one thing I remember most was the little feet I saw on the screen! Well, the sonographer said: “it is a girl for now.” so we have taken his word that the baby is a girl. ☺️
At 25 weeks, the baby is moving a lot now and more regular especially when I am trying to sleep. Her kicks and jabs are getting stronger. I get more tired physically rather than mentally and backaches have started. I have recently purchased a pregnancy pillow and hopefully, it will help me sleep better. Whooping cough vaccination was offered to me during the midwife appointment and I have just had it today, I would recommend pregnant ladies to have it as it will protect the baby up to around two months old. It’s always to be safe! I am enjoying pregnancy now and cannot wait for our little girl to be born. ❤️