New challenges and new dreams await expecting fathers (the average man) with a pregnant partner. The prospect of being a father can be a big learning curve in the eyes of some people. It’s all systems go from the moment you find out up until the rest of your life, or when they grow up and fend for themselves. Firstly, know the facts, and be sure to do your research. A lot was going on, although the Wife was already very clued up about the subject and I was not needed mainly.
Having known Gloria was pregnant, I was surprised by the number of appointments made for the start of our little adorable venture. The first appointment will be the midwife appointment to confirm that your partner is pregnant and the first scan can be booked.
The first scan is always the most nerve-wracking one. The scan shows the first signs of the baby’s growth and how far developed the baby is. This is usually mostly good news but in some rare cases, there may be some bad news. The baby may not be developed enough or just stopped developing. The sonographer will check the measurement of the baby and the heartbeat which is usually much faster than the mother’s.
Once you are past the twelve weeks of pregnancy, you are ready for the next midwife appointment. Here they measure the baby’s heartbeat with a Doppler and check the mother’s blood pressure. After this, they will then book you in for your 20-week scan. At this stage, you can request to see what gender your baby will be. The basics are then checked, the heart valves, baby’s skull measurement and the structure of the human skeleton. (So cool)
The good news is, that we are over halfway. Currently at 23 weeks and ready to plan the next phase.